女士雙手嚴重濕疹 | Woman With Severe Eczema On Both Hands

濕疹案例復康方案 | Eczema Rehab


1) 免疫研究4瓶
* 早晚餐後各6粒

2) 組胺研究3瓶
* 早晚餐後各5粒

3) 睡眠研究1瓶
* 睡前1小時食1粒


Requirement per month & suggested intake:

1) Immu Study 4 bottles
* To be taken after breakfast & dinner, 6 capsules each time

2) Histamine Study 3 bottles
* To be taken after breakfast & dinner, 5 capsules each time

3) Sleeping Study 1 bottle
* 1 capsule to be taken 1 hour before sleep


2023-06-23 復康方案之前 | Before Rehab Program

2023-10-30 復康方案之后 | After Rehab Program


  1. 免疫研究: 2瓶 × HKD515
  2. 睡眠研究: 1瓶 × HKD480
  • 總額 HKD1510
Eczema combo for 2 weeks trial:
  1. Immu Study: 2 bottles × HKD515
  2. Sleeping Study: 1 bottle × HKD480
  • Total HKD1510
