


  • 1986年畢業於湖南南華大學醫學院醫療系。
  • 1998年獲中山醫科大學外科學博士學位。
  • 1996年7月加入中國共產黨。
  • 1994年在美國南加州大學醫學院微創外科中心做訪問學者,
  • 2001~2003年分別在美國密西根大學癌症中心從事博士後研究及美國匹茲堡大學肝移植中心訪問學者。博士後研究的主要方向為嵌合T淋巴細胞受體的構建及其抗腫瘤作用;腫瘤自殺基因治療。
  • 2004年至今:中山大學附屬腫瘤醫院工作,
  • 2009年至今:中山大學附屬腫瘤醫院院長助理、副院長。中國抗癌協會膽道腫瘤專業委員會委員,廣東省抗癌協會胰腺癌專業委員會副主任委員,廣東省肝病學會膽胰專業委員會常委,廣東省抗癌協會肝癌專業委員會委員,中國腫瘤生物治療協會會員,美國癌症研究協會會員(AACR),《癌症》責任編委、《中華實驗外科雜誌》特邀編委。長期從事肝、膽、胰腫瘤的臨床診治和實驗研究。


  • 獲美國癌症研究協會AACR-InglenookVineyardsScholar-in-TrainingAward、
  • 中國高校自然科學科技進步二等獎、
  • 中華醫學科技獎三等獎、
  • 廣東省科技進步二等獎。


Dr. Li Sheng Ping, Vice President of Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center

Dr. Li Shengping, male, chief physician, Professor, vice president, deputy director of the center, doctoral supervisor, is good at the diagnosis and treatment of hepatobiliary tumors and surgical intervention, especially the treatment of biliary and pancreatic tumors. Born in 1963 in Xiangyin County, Hunan Province. Since September 2010, he has been deputy director and vice president of cancer prevention and treatment center of Sun Yat sen University.

Languages: English, Putonghua

  • He graduated from the medical department of Medical College of Hunan Nanhua University in 1986.
  • In 1998, he received a doctor's degree in surgery from Sun Yat Sen Medical University.
  • He joined the Communist Party of China in July 1996.
  • In 1994, he was a visiting scholar at the center of minimally invasive surgery, School of medicine, University of Southern California,
  • From 2001 to 2003, he was engaged in postdoctoral research in cancer center of University of Michigan and visiting scholar in liver transplantation center of University of Pittsburgh. The main direction of postdoctoral research is the construction of chimeric T lymphocyte receptor and its anti-tumor effect; tumor suicide gene therapy.
  • From 2004 to now: worked in Tumor Hospital Affiliated to Sun Yat sen University,
  • Since 2009: Assistant to the president and vice president of the Cancer Hospital Affiliated to Sun Yat sen University. He is a member of bile duct tumor Committee of China Anti Cancer Association, vice chairman of pancreatic cancer committee of Guangdong anti cancer association, member of Standing Committee of bile duct and pancreatic cancer committee of Guangdong liver disease association, member of Liver Cancer Committee of Guangdong anti cancer association, member of China Cancer Biotherapy Association, member of American Cancer Research Association (AACR), responsible editor of cancer, member of Chinese experimental surgery Editor of the magazine. He has been engaged in clinical diagnosis, treatment and experimental research of liver, gallbladder and pancreas tumors for a long time.

Especially for hilar cholangiocarcinoma radical resection, gallbladder cancer radical resection, pancreatic head cancer radical resection, huge liver cancer surgery, special part of liver cancer surgery, intraoperative B-ultrasound-guided precise liver cancer resection and comprehensive treatment of the above tumor has rich clinical experience. Presided over the general projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, the sub topics of national "Ninth Five Year Plan" and "Eleventh Five Year Plan" liver cancer science and technology research projects, Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation projects, Guangdong Provincial Key Science and technology research projects, returned students fund projects, etc.

  • AACR inglenook vineyards scholar in training award
  • Second prize of natural science and technology progress in Chinese Universities
  • The third prize of Chinese medical science and technology award
  • Second prize of science and technology progress of Guangdong Province.

More than 60 scientific research papers have been published, including cancer research, cancer gene therapy, Journal of Hepatology, molecular therapy, Journal of Gastroenterology, etc. Assist the director of the center in the management of finance, infrastructure, equipment, material supply, fire and security, family planning, radiation protection, etc.; in charge of the general affairs department.