科學+家 水解骨膠原蛋白 (4送1) | SCIENTIST HOME Bone Gelatine Hydrolysate (4 Free 1)

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科學+家 水解骨膠原蛋白 (4送1) | SCIENTIST HOME Bone Gelatine Hydrolysate (4 Free 1)
Product Details
品牌 Brand: 科學+家 SCIENTIST HOME
Weight: 1.00 kg

科學+家 水解骨膠原蛋白



這些發現提示了可能有助於關節疾病(如OA)患者的機制。四個開放標籤和三個雙盲研究被確定和審查;雖然這些研究中許多沒有提供關鍵資訊 - 如統計意義的調查結果 - 他們顯示水解膠原蛋白是安全的,並提供措施改善一些患有骨關節炎或其他關節炎疾病的男性和女性的關節疼痛和功能。(1)


  • 骨、關節的營養補充(1)
  • 有助於軟骨再生(2,4)
  • 支撐肌腱、韌帶、筋膜健康(3)
  • 關注骨骼强度和硬度(5)
  • 明膠是從牛皮(6)中提取
  • 每份量含有10克骨膠原蛋白
  • 礦物質(鈣、鎂、鋅)和維他命有助於維持骨骼健康(8)
  • 全天然成分,循證科學

飲用方法: 每天3平量匙,可在飯前或飯後隨時服用。於250毫升溫水(30℃-40℃)攪勻, 即可飲用。


  • 試一個月。如果沒有積極的進展,你可以停止服用並尋求其他醫療建議。
  • 如果觀察到積極的進展,你可以繼續3至12個月的課程,視個人情况而定。
  • 在達到滿意的效果後,可每天服用一平量匙進行保養。
  • 為了獲得更好的效果,建議配合食用 高濃度蛋白酶 及外塗 鈣化研究霜 和/或 鯨臘軟膏,以緩解骨,關節和/或骨刺的影響。
  • 復康是漸進的。X光片或核磁共振可以作為參考。


  • 减少辛辣、油炸或烘烤食物的攝入。
  • 多休息
  • 多喝水,即每天2000-2500毫升,以促進新陳代謝。
  • 如果坐輪椅的能够站起來走動,則需要進行肌肉强化活動(由於長期使用輪椅,肌肉和肌腱可能會退化)。


  • 某些人可能在頭兩周內發生。這些反應是正常的,會逐漸消失,之後你會感到更輕鬆
  • 感到疲倦或困倦
  • 關節內發癢
  • 高尿酸會導致炎症,特別是在前兩周,如果不避免某些食物和水的攝入不足,會引起更多的疼痛。


  1. 本品為營養補充劑,不用於替代藥物。
  2. 不適合飲用本補充劑包括:
    1. 懷孕
    2. 嬰幼兒
    3. 嚴重腎功能不全或接受腎透析
  3. 對於嚴重或複雜的健康狀況,請在服用前諮詢醫生。
  4. 如果出現過敏或不良反應(以上列出的正常癒合反應除外),請停止服用。
  5. 如不瞭解問題原因或問題持續,請儘快諮詢醫生。





如你有任何疾病, 請遵照閣下醫生的完整醫療方案; 而是否使用多學科復康方案前, 你必須咨詢主診醫生的意見, 如果閣下的主診醫生不建議您加入補充劑調理組合, 請你不要使用。如果你需要尋求其他醫生作第二咨詢, 閣下可聯絡我們線上<無邊界醫生>或你自己城市內的其他專業醫生的再診斷。



Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease. Millions of people need an effective treatment. The demand for treatments, both traditional and non-traditional, will continue to grow as the population ages.

According to published studies, oral intake of gelatine hydrolysate (collagen hydrolysate) has been shown to be absorbed intestinally and to accumulate in cartilage. Collagen hydrolysate ingestion stimulates a statistically significant increase in synthesis of extracellular matrix macromolecules by chondrocytes ( p < 0.05 compared with untreated controls).

These findings suggest mechanisms that might help patients affected by joint disorders such as OA. Four open-label and three double-blind studies were identified and reviewed; although many of these studies did not provide key information – such as the statistical significance of the findings – they showed collagen hydrolysate to be safe and to provide improvement in some measures of pain and function in some men and women with OA or other arthritic conditions. (1)

Specialized supplement:

  • Helps to build and repair bone, joint and connective tissues (1)
  • Contributes to cartilage regeneration (2,4)
  • Support tendon, ligament and fascia health (3)
  • Focuses on bone strength and hardness (5)
  • Gelatine is extracted from bovine articular cartilage (6)
  • Minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc) and vitamins help maintain bone health (8)
  • Each serving contains 10 grams of gelatine hydrolysate
  • All natural ingredients, evidence-based science

Consumption: 3 teaspoons a day, can be taken anytime, before or after meal. Dissolve in 250 ml of warm water (30°C - 40°C).


  1. Try for 1 month. If there is no positive progress, you may stop taking and seek medical advice.
  2. If positive progress is observed, suggest to continue for 3 to 12 months, depending on individual condition.
  3. Upon attaining satisfactory results, may take 1 teaspoon regularly for maintenance purposes.
  4. For better results, suggest to take High Concentration Proteinase and apply Calcification Study Cream and/or Spermaceti Cream to help ease bone, joint and/or bone spur conditions.
  5. Recovery should be progressive. Blood test, X-ray or MRI is good for reference.

Gentle Reminder:

  1. Reduce intake of spicy, fried or roasted foods.
  2. Rest more.
  3. Drink more water i.e. 2000-2500 ml per day to facilitate metabolism.
  4. If wheelchair-bound but still able to stand up and move about, muscle-strengthening activity is required (muscle and tendon may be wasted due to long-term use of wheelchair).

Healing Reaction:

May occur to certain people within the first 2 weeks. The reactions are normal and will disappear gradually, and one will feel more relieved thereafter.

  • Feeling tired or sleepy.
  • Itchiness in joints.
  • High level of uric acid can lead to inflammation, causing more pain especially in the first week if certain foods are not avoided and water intake is inadequate.


  1. This product is a nutritional supplement, and cannot replace medication.
  2. Do not take this supplement if:
    1. Pregnant or lactating.
    2. Infants and young children.
    3. Severe renal dysfunction i.e. undergoing renal dialysis.
  3. For serious or complicated health condition, please seek doctor's advice before taking.
  4. To stop taking if allergic or adverse reactions occur (other than the normal healing reactions listed above).
  5. If you do not understand the cause of your health condition or the issue persists, please consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Ingredients: Gelatine Hydrolysate, Mineral Complex (Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc), Vitamin Complex (Vitamins A, D3, E, B1, B3, Folic Acid, Biotin, B6, D-Calcium Pantothenate, B12, C), Maltodextrin, Sweetener (Sucralose), Vanilla.

Specification: 125g per bottle

Serving size: 10 days

Storage: Store in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight

Origin: Hong Kong, China

If you have a medical condition, please follow your doctor's medical treatment plan. Do consult your medical doctor before using the Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Program (MRP). Please do not proceed if your medical doctor does not recommend the use of our MRP. If you'd like to seek a second opinion from other doctors, you may contact our online "Doctors Without Border", or other professional doctors at your convenience.


參考研究 / Ref:

1. Alfonso E. Bello & Steffen Oesser. Collagen hydrolysate for the treatment of osteoarthritis and other joint disorders:a review of the literature. Pages 2221-2232 | Accepted 12 Sep 2006, Published online: 10 Oct 2006. https://doi.org/10.1185/030079906X148373

2. Ram Prabhoo, Gauri Billa. Undenatured collagen type II for the treatment of osteoarthritis: a review. July 2018. DOI: 10.18203/issn.2455-4510.IntJResOrthop20183386

3. Journal: Schunk M., Oesser S, (2013) “Specific collagen peptides benefit the biosynthesis of matrix molecules of tendons and ligament.”Journal of the international Society of Sports Nutrition.10(1):23

4. Bakilan, Fulya et al. “Effects of Native Type II Collagen Treatment on Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” The Eurasian Journal of Medicine 48.2 (2016): 95–101. PMC. Web. 4 Sept. 2018.

5. Journal:OesserS, et al.(2018)“Specific Collagen Peptides Improve Bone Mineral Density and Bone Markers in Postmenopausal Women—A Randomized Controlled Study.” Nutrients. 10(1).97.

6.DanielHerbage, ChantalBuffevant. Collagen extraction from bovine articular cartilage. Biochimie. Volume 56, Issue 5, 22 July 1974, Pages 775-777

7. Robert Hesslink Jr 1 , David Armstrong 3rd, M V Nagendran, Srinan Sreevatsan, Raj Barathur. Cetylated fatty acids improve knee function in patients with osteoarthritis. Clinical Trial. J Rheumatol. 2002 Aug;29(8):1708-12.

8. Vicky Tai,1 William Leung,2 Andrew Grey,1 Ian R Reid,1 and Mark J Bolland, Calcium intake and bone mineral density: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ. 2015; 351: h4183. Published online 2015 Sep 29. doi: 10.1136/bmj.h4183. PMCID: PMC4784773. PMID: 26420598.

本品等並非根據《藥劑業及毒藥條例》或《中醫藥條例》注册。 任何對其提出的宣稱均不受此類登記評估的約束。 本產品不用於診斷、治療或預防任何疾病。

This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.