科學+家 水解混合酶素 | SCIENTIST HOME Scienzyme Study 420 粒/caps

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品牌 Brand: Scientist Home

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  • 心血管疾病是一组心脏和血管疾病,包括:
  • •冠心病:供应心肌的血管疾病
  • 脑血管疾病:供应大脑的血管疾病
  • 外周动脉疾病:供应手臂和腿部的血管疾病
  • 风湿性心脏病:链球菌引起的风湿热对心肌和心脏瓣膜的损害
  • 先天性心脏病:出生时存在的心脏结构畸形、深静脉血栓形成和肺栓塞:腿部静脉中的血块,可移位并转移到心脏和肺部

Ref: https://ncdalliance.org/cardiovascular-diseases-cv...






  • 女性周期前5天需要停止食用本品,否则经量会较多;干净后第二天可再食用
  • 在手術前後2星期停止食用本品
  • 有出血紊亂或有腸道出血或胃潰瘍的人、不能食用
  • 服用抗凝血、抗生素藥物期間不可食用本品。

潜在副作用: 酶素通常被認為是安全的,但也會對某些人產生副作用。你可能會出現腹瀉、噁心和嘔吐等消化問題,尤其是服用高劑量時。雖然補充劑更容易引起副作用,但大量食用富含蛋白水解酶的水果也會導致消化不良。過敏反應也會發生。例如,對鳳梨過敏的人也可能對鳳梨蛋白酶過敏,攝入鳳梨蛋白酶會引起皮疹等不良反應。此外,像鳳梨蛋白酶和木瓜蛋白酶這樣的蛋白水解酶可能會干擾像華法林這樣的血液稀釋藥物。木瓜蛋白酶還可以新增血液中某些抗生素的濃度。囙此,在服用蛋白水解酶前諮詢專家是很重要的。





  • 本品為營養補充品,不能代替藥物
  • 懷孕或哺乳期女士、嬰幼兒,請不要食用本品。
  • 女性經期到前5天需要停食,直至完後第天可再食用。
  • 食用首月期間,非腹痛攪肚、拉肚子、放屁、疲倦、全身部份酸痛、嗜睡都是正常的調節現象,通常一個月後會消失。
  • 如不瞭解問題原因或問題持續,請儘快諮詢醫生


Cardiovascular disease (CVD)

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) – which includes heart disease and stroke – is the number one cause of death globally. An estimated 17.3 million people died from CVD in 2008, affecting men and women almost equally, and representing 30% of all global deaths. Low- and middle-income countries are disproportionally affected with over 80% of global CVD deaths.

Of the total CVD deaths, an estimated 7.3 million were due to coronary heart disease and 6.2 million were due to stroke. Annual CVD deaths are projected to rise to 23.3 million by 2030 (mainly from heart attacks and strokes) if current trends are allowed to continue. The leading risk factor for CVD is high blood pressure, also known as raised blood pressure or hypertension, with one in three adults being affected. It is often referred to as the “silent killer” as many people are not aware they have it, yet it causes 9.4 million deaths each year including 51% of deaths due to strokes and 45% of deaths due to coronary heart disease.

The Diseases

CVD is a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels which include:

• Coronary heart disease: disease of the blood vessels supplying the heart muscle
• Cerebrovascular disease: disease of the blood vessels supplying the brain
• Peripheral arterial disease: disease of the blood vessels supplying the arms and legs
• Rheumatic heart disease: damage to the heart muscle and heart valves from rheumatic fever, caused by streptococcal bacteria
• Congenital heart disease: malformations of heart structure existing at birth, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism: blood clots in the leg veins, which can dislodge and move to the heart and lungs.

Ref: https://ncdalliance.org/cardiovascular-diseases-cv...

Scientist Home Scienzyme Study


  • Cardiovascular health (1),
  • Arterial patency (4),
  • Fluid embolism (3,5),
  • Blood pressure (4),
  • Cholesterol (5),
  • Platelet (6),
  • Triglyceride (4),
  • Neuroprotection (4)


  • Take 2 to 7 capsules, 3 times daily on an empty stomach or in between meals or 1 hour before food.
  • For maintenance purposes, take 2 capsules, 3 times daily on an empty stomach or in between meals or 1 hour before food.


  • Do not take if you are using anti-coagulant drugs. If pregnant or nursing, children who under 18 years old, do not take this product.
  • Women need to stop eating 5 days before menstruation, and can be eaten until the next day which Menstrual cycle completion.
  • Contraindicated in any condition associated with bleeding.

Safety: Stop this product 2 week before any surgeries. It should not be used in a person with a bleeding disorder or who has intestinal bleeding or stomach ulcers. It should not be taken with anti-coagulant drugs.

As you begin to take Mixed hydrolyze Scienzyme, toxins and other debris will be expelled from your system. We refer to this process as enzymatic detoxification. Symptoms such as fatigue, upset stomach, headaches, Cough, muscle and joint pain, High blood pressure, increased rectal bleeding if you have any hemorrhoids, and diarrhea may occur. If at any point you start to feel ill, you may be detoxifying too quickly. Decreasing your dosage for a more gradual and comfortable detoxification period is therefore recommended. It may take several days to completely cleanse the body of unwanted toxins. Enzymatic detoxification is only temporary, and in the most extreme cases may last up to a period of 14 days.

Mixed hydrolyze Scienzyme is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing, as these groups have not been clinically tested. Anemic women with heavy periods should take Mixed hydrolyze Scienzyme with caution, as additional bleeding can occur. Do not take Mixed hydrolyze Scienzyme if your fibroids are causing immediate health concerns, or if you are currently taking blood thinning medication. As always, consult with your doctor before taking Mixed hydrolyze Scienzyme.

Major Ingredients

Irzaim, Nattoesse Haruno-Ogawa, Earthworm Extract, Triacylglycerol Acylhydrolase, Peptidase, 1,4-alpha-D-Glucan-glucanohydrolase, Pineapple Extract, Papainase.


420 capsules per bottle.

Origin: Hong Kong, China

參考研究論文 Refs:

1.World Health Organization. Cardiovascular diseases. 2011, http://www.who.int/cardiovascular diseases/en/

2. Heinicke RM, van der Wal L, Yokoyama M. Effect of bromelain (Ananase) on human platelet aggregation. Experientia. 1972;28(10):844–845. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

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4.Hongjie Chen,1 Eileen M McGowan,2 Nina Ren,3 Sara Lal,2 Najah Nassif,2 Fatima Shad-Kaneez,2 Xianqin Qu,2 and Yiguang Lin2 Nattokinase: A Promising Alternative in Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases. Biomark Insights. 2018; 13: 1177271918785130. Published online 2018 Jul 5. doi: 10.1177/1177271918785130. PMCID: PMC6043915. PMID: 30013308

5.Kevin Yueju Wang, 1 ,* Lauren Tull, 1 Edwin Cooper, 2 Nan Wang, 3 and Dehu Liu 3 ,* Recombinant Protein Production of Earthworm Lumbrokinase for Potential Antithrombotic Application. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013; 2013: 783971. Published online 2013 Dec 12. doi: 10.1155/2013/783971. PMCID: PMC3876685. PMID: 24416067

6.King DE, Ellis TM, Everett CJ, Mainous AG. Medication use for diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia from1988–1994 to 2001–2006. Southern Medical Journal. 2009;102(11):1127–1132.

This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.

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