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絲氨酸蛋白酶 Serrapetase
在一項研究中,確定了新冠肺炎無症狀病例的患病率,並描述了輕度新冠肺炎患者的症狀。報告稱,在213名新冠肺炎患者中,19.2%在入院前無症狀。 在剩下的輕度新冠肺炎患者中,咳嗽(40.1%)是最常見的症狀,其次是嗅覺减退(39.5%)和痰(39.5%)。 在嗅覺减退的個體中,90%有伴隨症狀,如視力减退、鼻塞或鼻漏。 痰或生產性咳嗽似乎是無症狀和有症狀患者的重要症狀。 咳嗽是最常見的症狀,其次是嗅覺减退和痰,而發熱(>37.5°C)僅在11.6%的患者中出現。 另一項研究報告,鼻塞(62%)是輕度新冠肺炎患者最常見的症狀。
蛋白水解酶可用於治療醫院感染、病毒感染和耐藥感染,尤其是在兒童和老年人群中,因為其相對安全、耐受性和耐藥性較低,且具有協同效應。 幾種蛋白水解酶以協調一致的管道控制和協調病毒進入宿主細胞、複製和擴散。 囙此,蛋白水解酶在干擾宿主細胞中的病毒機制方面可能很重要,並建議在新冠肺炎中有用。
蛋白水解活性被認為是氧化條件下的一種二級抗氧化防禦,以及炎症細胞因數的調節和免疫細胞從淋巴結向炎症和損傷組織的遷移(Tiwari,2017)。 SEPD能够抑制生長因數,尤其是TGF-β,同時抑制氧化應激和促炎細胞因數、趨化因數、粘附分子的表達(Fadl等人,2013年;Gupta等人,2017年;Jaiswal和Mishra,2018年),這似乎表明其在肺纖維化治療中的潜在作用。
鳳梨蛋白酶 Bromelain
我們證明鳳梨蛋白酶(從鳳梨莖中分離並用作膳食補充劑)處理可降低VeroE6細胞中ACE-2和TMPRSS2的表達,並顯著降低S-外結構域的表達。 重要的是,鳳梨蛋白酶處理减少了S-外結構域和VeroE6細胞之間的相互作用。 最重要的是,鳳梨蛋白酶治療顯著降低了VeroE6細胞中SARS-CoV-2的感染。 總之,我們的結果表明鳳梨蛋白酶或富含鳳梨蛋白酶的鳳梨莖可能被用作對抗新冠病毒的抗病毒藥物。
Withanone是一種來自Withania somnifera的活性成分,蜂膠的天然酚咖啡酸苯乙酯成分與SARS-CoV-2 Mpro的底物結合袋的高度保守殘基相互作用,其結合自由能估計與N3蛋白酶抑制劑相當[135]。
通過對SARS-CoV-2 Mpro進行對接和分子動力學類比,從茶樹中篩選出三種生物活性分子(烏龍高倍黃素A、茶黃素D和茶黃素-3-O-沒食子酸酯),並與抗病毒藥物進行比較。 與所有測試化合物相比,烏龍茶(藍茶)衍生的分子烏龍高雙黃烷-A表現出最好的分數和更高數量的氫鍵網絡[136]。https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC75010...
骨關節痛(1)、風濕關節痛(2,3,4)、運動後肌肉觸痛疼痛(5)、鼻竇敏(6)、哮喘(7)、氣道敏感(7)、傷口癒合(8,9)、腸激綜合健康(10)、腸道健康(11)、結腸健康(11)、胸口絞痛(12)、靜脈健康(12)、膽固醇斑塊(13)、血小板聚集(13) 、軟組織損傷(14)
- 為營養補充品,不能代替藥物。
- 如果您正在使用抗凝血藥物、懷孕或哺乳期女士、嬰幼兒,請不要食用本品。
- 食用首月期間,非腹痛攪肚、拉肚子、放屁、疲倦、全身部份酸痛、嗜睡都是正常的適應現象,通常一個月後都會消失。
- 在手術前後2星期停止食用本品。有出血紊亂或有腸道出血或胃潰瘍的人,不能食用;服用抗凝血藥物不可食用本品。
- 血友病患者或正在服用香豆素、肝素和波立維等處方血液稀釋劑,不要食用本成品。
- 如不瞭解問題原因或問題持續,請儘快諮詢醫生。
Protease refers to a group of enzymes that have the catalytic function to hydrolyze (breakdown) peptide bonds of proteins. They are also called proteolytic enzymes or proteinases. Proteases differ in their ability to hydrolyze various peptide bonds. Each type of protease has a specific kind of peptide bonds it breaks. Examples of proteases include: fungal protease, pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, papain, bromelain, and subtilisin. Proteolytic enzymes are very important in digestion as they breakdown the protein foods to liberate the amino acids needed by the body. Additionally, proteolytic enzymes have been used in various forms of therapy for a long time. Their use in medicine is gaining importance as several clinical studies are indicating their benefits in oncology, inflammation, blood rheology control, and immune regulation.
Bio Sci High Concentration Proteinase
Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Which May Be Suitable For:
Benefits Of High Concentration Proteinase
The selection of extracts can act as nutritional supplement, as well as help digesting unnecessary substances or harmful cells, and removing them from the body systems. If an accurate portion is used, positive effects may happen within 3 months' time. However, it is a slow process to remove unnecessary substances and dead cells from the body, resulting in a gradual decrease in the volume of harmful tissues. Most of the removal process occurs in the first month; hence, healing reaction may occur.
When necessary, take 2 to 8 capsules each time, 3 times daily on empty stomach. To be taken in between meals or 1 hour before food.
Healing Reaction
Healing reaction, if any, will occur in the first month of intake. The reactions are normal and will disappear gradually, and one will feel more relieved thereafter.
- Diarrhea, farting, non abdominal pain.
- Feeling tired or drowsy.
Important Note
- Do not take this supplement if:
- Pregnant or lactating.
- Children under 18 years of age.
- Taking anticoagulants.
- Having bleeding disorder or hemophilia, intestinal bleeding or gastric ulcer.
- Enduring hemorrhoid.
- For serious or complicated health condition, please seek doctor's advice before taking.
- To stop taking if:
- Allergic or adverse reactions occur (other than the normal healing reactions listed above).
- Not comfortable with the occurrence of healing reactions.
- To discontinue taking the supplement 4 to 7 days before menstruation, and to continue upon completion of menses. Menstrual flow more or less remains the same.
- To discontinue with this supplement 2 weeks before and after any surgery.
- Don’t use the product if you are a hemophiliac or are on prescription blood thinners like Coumadin, heparin and Plavix. The enzymes cause the drugs to work better so there is the possibility of thinning the blood too much.
Potential Side Effects
Proteolytic enzymes are generally considered to be safe, but they can also have side effects on some people. You may have digestive problems such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, especially when taking high doses. Although supplements are more likely to cause side effects, eating a lot of fruits rich in proteolytic enzymes can also lead to indigestion. Allergic reactions can also occur. For example, people who are allergic to pineapple may also be allergic to bromelain, which can cause skin rashes and other adverse reactions. In addition, proteolytic enzymes such as bromelain and papain may interfere with hemodilution drugs such as warfarin. Papain can also increase the concentration of some antibiotics in the blood. Therefore, it is important to consult experts before taking proteolytic enzymes.
Digestive Reaction:
With our recommended choice of supplements, it seems that it is not a problem to deal with unnecessary substances and harmful cells in the body. If an accurate portion is used, it tends to happen quickly within 4 to 6 months. However, it is a much slower process to remove those useless substances and dead cells. The volume of harmful tissue decreases very slowly. When a large number of harmful cells die rapidly, the body must deal with the flood of dead harmful cells, which may lead to lymph node enlargement and nerve compression, resulting in pain.
Major Ingredients: Ananase Extract, Plant Protease Concentrate, Bromelains, Proteinase, Tamase, Recepin, Catarase, Summetrin, Nematolyt Extract, Vegetable Pepsin.
Packaging: 240 capsules per bottle.
Origin: Hong Kong, China
參考研究論文 / Refs:
- Sarah Brien,1,* George Lewith,1 Ann Walker,2 Stephen M. Hicks,2 and Dick Middleton3. Bromelain as a Treatment for Osteoarthritis: a Review of Clinical Studies. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2004 Dec; 1(3): 251–257. Published online 2004 Oct 6. doi: 10.1093/ecam/neh035. PMCID: PMC538506. PMID: 15841258
- Jay K Udani,1,2 Betsy B Singh,1 Vijay J Singh,1 and Elizabeth Sandoval1. BounceBack™ capsules for reduction of DOMS after eccentric exercise: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover pilot study. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2009; 6: 14. Published online 2009 Jun 5. doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-6-14. PMCID: PMC2698827. PMID: 19500355.
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- Jane E. Onken, M.D., M.H.S.,1 Paula K. Greer, B.S.,2 Brian Calingaert, M.S, M.BMA.,3 and Laura P. Hale, M.D., Ph.D.2,* Bromelain Treatment Decreases Secretion of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines and Chemokines by Colon Biopsies In Vitro. Clin Immunol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 Mar 1.Published in final edited form as: Clin Immunol. 2008 Mar; 126(3): 345–352. Published online 2007 Dec 21. doi: 10.1016/j.clim.2007.11.002. PMCID: PMC2269703. NIHMSID: NIHMS41784. PMID: 18160345
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